Monotonix - Body Language

author: Marten
date: 03/02/2011

Kind of excited about this show on Friday. Listen to this while you read:

[Monotonix - Body Language](/static/mp3/03-body-language.mp3) ![mlim](/content/images/monotonix-1.jpg) Monotonix came to Vassar in March '07, and completely wrecked our 'multi-purpose' room or whatever. (I guess they wouldn't even let the band play on an actual stage - good thinking.) It was really fun, but I'll let these pictures speak for themselves:

We took drums crowdsurfing!

This is BEFORE he fell over into the recycling bin.

There are a couple dudes WORSHIPPING HIM, by the way. No big deal.

"C'mon, guys! Come throw trash at him! It's what he WANTS!"

God that was fun. Actually, it was a little scary at the time because it was so unpredictable. I got there and had no idea what to expect. Something bad happened that night; I am pretty sure this guy groped a woman - just went up and grabbed her boob. The band kept on playing, but time stopped. We were all standing there, and it happened, and I mean they teach us at Vassar that that's not okay. Somehow the situation was diffused - I think she didn't get angry about it and the band went on - but in retrospect this seems kind of awful.