Show Review: AP Tour @ El Corazon, Nov 10 2012

tl;dr: Metalcore is really easy to make fun of, because it ain't true metal. Also, forgive any sexism in this post, we need more women in metal, even if they have to grow up with fucking metalcore.

GLASS CLOUD: this band is the only reason I went to this show. Why did they have to end their set at 6:25pm, when the doors were listed as being at 7pm? So lame.

LIKE MOTHS TO FLAMES (LMTF, as their fans know them), should be called Like Balls To Chin.

THE GHOST INSIDE: these guys once toured with Misery Signals and Bring Me The Horizon. This is a bit like having an angel and a devil on their shoulder. Misery Signals brings this brand of metalcore that I LOVED, which seems to have died off completely many years ago. I loved all the bright riffs and guitar chugs; the lyrics, while sometimes lame, didn't detract from the heaviness of the song. Bring Me The Horizon is some fashioncore BS that you should never listen to. I liked a handful of The Ghost Inside's older tracks, since they reminded me of bands I used to love. Good riffs on these guys.

Nowadays, metalcore bands have pushed pretty far towards the mainstream; the music revolves around singalong choruses; there are breakdowns (i.e. 'the bridge')...totally formulaic song stucture. Now, this is sometimes okay, as long as it's still super-heavy. But I can just tell these are the kind of bands being marketed to the youth. Totally entry-level. These bands are basically marketed to girls: pretty dudes wearing tattoos and makeup, singing love songs.

MISS MAY I: let me just say, I did enjoy seeing these guys; they had a ton of energy, some good strobe lights, and the band seemed genuine. However, there were a couple times when I had to stop and say, "wait, these guys are pussies."

EXHIBIT A: I saw two people play patty-cake in the mosh pit.
EXHIBIT B: I would say about 80% of the crowd was teenagers.
EXHIBIT C: before one song, the singer declared "we're a pretty brutal band..." I'm afraid you're pretty far from brutal; also, a truly brutal band would never describe themselves as such. They would just bring the brutality.