A collection of 41 posts

Atlas Moth - An Ache for the Distance

Brandon Stosuy liked this album a lot, giving it the #26 slot on [http://pitchfork.com/features/show-no-mercy/8717-best-albums-of-2011/](Pictchfork's Top 40 Metal Albums of 2011) list. We agree that this is the

yep, Metallica + Lou Reed = shit.

This is probably not news to you if you've already heard the first single, The View, a couple weeks ago. I love listening to bad albums every once in awhile, since it makes

Put a bird on it.

On your band. Put a bird on your band. Make your band a bird band. DO IT. This post is about EAGLE TWIN. Their album "The Unkindness of Crows" is an

Circle Takes the Square

What does screamo mean to u? Circle Takes the Square - In The Nervous Light Of Sunday Screamo is one of my favorite genres because it's so dynamic. There are all these softer